COsta Rica

The majority of Costa Rica's coffee is grown in the Central Valley in the Alajuela region. Although it is well-known for its coffee production, Alajuela City, its capitol, is often referred to as the "City of Mangos" due to its abundance of mango trees.

Le Poeta

Julia Vega Rodríguez, Olman Cruz Vega, Ricardo Chávez Garita, and Juan Bautista Mejia Rojas

Coffee Background:
Costa Rica is known for its exceptional coffee production, and the process behind creating the 'El Poeta' (The Poet) lot is a testament to the dedication and precision of the Costa Ricans involved. The journey begins at Cafe de Altura de San Ramon, where a modern mill handles cherries from various small farms to create a harmonious regional blend. The meticulous processing involves several steps to ensure quality. Cherries are first sorted in water to separate the best beans, followed by de-pulping and then passed through a demucilager that mechanically strips the mucilage from the beans.

One remarkable aspect of this process is the efficient use of recycled water throughout. After washing, the beans undergo careful drying to reach the optimal moisture content of 11 percent in just over 72 hours. This rapid yet thorough drying period highlights the commitment to excellence without compromising on quality. The coffee is then rested for a month in silos before undergoing further milling for export. This attention to detail not only ensures a superior product but also allows producers to focus on sustainable farming practices, emphasizing the importance of environmental consciousness in every stage of the operation. 

West Valley La Candelaria Estate

Coffee Background:
La Candelaria Estate epitomizes the rich heritage of the country's West Valley coffee region. Spanning 150 hectares, it is a harmonious blend of coffee production and natural forest preserve. Managed by Hans Aeberhard since 1980, the Estate's commitment to sustainability is evident through its native wildlife protection program and a robust reforestation initiative, both of which have earned it the Rain Forest Alliance certification. This certification is a testament to the estate's adherence to rigorous environmental and social standards, ensuring that its coffee production processes are sustainable and ethical.They extend their impact by providing economic aid to the local rural school, ensuring that students have access to nutrition and learning supplies.

The coffee processing at La Candelaria is a meticulous art, reflecting Costa Rica's renowned coffee culture. Hans oversees the entire process on-site, employing a variety of techniques to produce exceptional coffee. The washed lot, a blend of cultivars from across the estate, undergoes a meticulous process of depulping, fermenting, washing, and screen-drying. This hands-on approach ensures that every batch meets the high standards set by Hans and the rich tradition of Costa Rican coffee production. La Candelaria's coffee is not just a product but a reflection of the estate's dedication to quality, sustainability, and community support.