
Nestled in the highlands of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, Tana Toraja is a region of breathtaking beauty and cultural richness. Renowned globally for its scenic landscapes with its towering mountains that seem to touch the sky, serene waterfalls, lush green valleys and terraced rice paddies.

Cooperative of Toraja Coffee Growers

Coffee Background:
The Torajan tribe, nestled in the central mountain region of South Sulawesi province, has preserved a traditional village lifestyle, including residing in homes that are shaped like boats. This area boasts a diverse landscape with lush, low-lying rice fields bordered by towering rock formations, elevations of up to 2000 meters above sea level making them some of the highest in Indonesia. Small-scale coffee farmers, typically working plots under 3 acres, have recently united to establish community micro-mills. These facilities enhance processing methods by allowing individual producers to meticulously sort, de-pulp, ferment, wash, and dry their coffee cherries on patios. An unconventional wet-hulling technique known as Giling Basah, specific to Indonesia, is employed, resulting in distinctively bluish beans that define the country's coffee profile.

In a bid to overcome challenges such as rugged terrain and limited infrastructure, local producer groups have forged partnerships with regional exporters like Indokom. By collaborating with Indokom, these farmers gain access to logistical support and milling infrastructure. streamlining the post-harvest process. This collaboration not only enhances traceability and quality control but also enables swift access to international markets through direct trade relationships. Consequently, these initiatives not only benefit the Torajan tribe economically but also contribute to the preservation and prmotion of Indonesia's unique coffee heritage on a global scale.